Dangerously Competent


The Dangerously Competent Program combines our Situational Awareness and Behavioral Analysis training with our Primal Skill and Limbic Fitness development while adding Personal Defense Readiness and Fear Management practices.

Affiliations & Certifications

Luke Weinhagen

I am a Can't Killer

I live for that moment when I can see in the eyes of my students, clients, and customers the death of Can't and the birth of Can.

Can't Killing is my talent stack. Can't Killing my profession. it's my passion, my purpose, my fulfillment. Can't Killing is my investment into future generations

Can't Killing is what drove the success of the technology projects I lead. Anyone can hear what a client wants, but I listen for the can't of the organizations I engaged with. Then architected solutions and developed training to kill their can'ts.

Can't Killing is what made me an effective coach. Whether helping the mother of three get her first pull-up, the Olympic athlete learn how to deadlift, or the college competitor dial in their clean-and-jerk, I'd find their can't and structure programming to kill it.

Can’t Killing is why I teach the way I teach. The subjects I teach and coach require overcoming, confronting, or otherwise working around fear to integrate. Can’t can be a quick trigger. I use mimetic teaching to navigate fear and facilitate the integration of the lessons.

Can’t Killing is why I teach what I teach. Working on the development of methodologies with the amazing staff at the Natural Law Institute lead me to identify two insidious Can'ts that are undermining civilization that no one seems to be paying much attention to.

People Can't Navigate Reality
 - and as a result -
People Can't Cooperate in the Navigation of Reality

This is what I've built Core Human Competence to solve. These are the big Can'ts to Kill. The problem becomes simple to articulate once you really comprehend the dynamic - If you can't say "No", then you saying "Yes" is not cooperation - it may look like cooperation, but it is not.

Core Human Competence restores the foundation upon which each individual can say "No". Turns "Can't" into "Can". That same foundation is what is required to effectively navigate reality.

With one solution we can kill Western Civilization’s two major Can'ts.

Dangerously Competent, our live program takes the model of Core Human Competence to the next level and turns you into a Can't Killer. Mapping out your OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) to General Perceptual Preparedness (GPP: Observe), General Psychological Preparedness (GPP: Orient), General Cognitive Preparedness (GCP: Decide) and General Physical Preparedness (GPP: Act) in order to competently and confidently move through the world. From "I can't falsify arguments on social media" to "I can't confront and survive a violent attacker" you lean to kill your “can'ts”.

Becoming Dangerously Competent means you are Dangerous to what Threatens You and Competent to what Challenges You.