S.A.F.E. Program
Situational Awareness & Behavior Profile Training For Employees
remember a time when you had a gut feeling or an intuition that something bad was going to happen?
We’ve been conditioned to ignore those feelings down and dismiss the potential threats those feeling alert us to. To ignore the signals being picked up by our evolved senses.
The S.A.F.E. Program harnesses your hard-wired mechanisms to make better decisions during times of stress with an eye toward action and prevention.
Situational Awareness For Employees
This training empowers your employees with the skills to establish behavior baselines in any setting, then proactively observe for anomalous behavior that could indicate escalation or threat. Whether you’re trying to head off an Angry Customer, prevent Workplace Violence or spot indicators of Insider Threat; the S.A.F.E Program will empower your workforce to take ownership of their own security and that of those around them.
In this Program we cover –
How to establish a Situational Awareness Baseline
Identifying Anomalies from that Baseline, such as:
Biometric Anomalies
Kinesic Anomalies
Proximic Anomalies
Atmospheric Anomalies
Improving your Decision-Making Process under duress
Building a response bias to Act
The First Pre-Event Action is acknowledging it could happen. The first lesson: Recognize this fact and take action to get S.A.F.E.
Corporate Offices & Business Locations
Essential training for both internal staff and customer facing employees.
Educational & Religious Institutions
Our institutions are being targeted by bad actors. Learn to identify the signs of these threats.
Public Facing & Private Security
When you can see it coming, you can deescalate and intervene before the problem occurs.
S.A.F.E. Training™ is a registered trademark of Emergence Disrupt LLC.
Luke Weinhagen, Founder of Core Human Competence, is a Certified Instructor of the S.A.F.E. Training™ Program.