Start becoming Dangerously Competent
Luke Weinhagen
Author - The Primal Primer
Thousands of generations of Homo sapiens passed on essential self-care and survival skills to future generations, preparing them for life. Modern society doesn’t do that anymore. And we are paying the price.
People exist in a constant state of anxiety, depression and fear. They depend on society for everything, and they fear rejection even by those they hate. Few have the skills to live independently. Underdeveloped and immature, they are vulnerable to disruption by outside events. They are children stuck in adult bodies.
The Primal Primer: Survive Anything, Slay Anxiety, and Exit the System will help you regain control of your environment. You will learn the lost skills you were never taught. When you are in control of the situation, you will become cool, confident, and competent.
If society collapses, you’ll know how to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Even if it doesn’t, you’ll gain the confidence and the esteem of your peers. And you’ll be relieved of hopelessness and dread. Anyone can enjoy an improved quality of life from this advice.
The most critical survival skill is situational awareness. It is the power to see disruptive events coming and respond appropriately. Society won’t teach it to you. So I will. In The Primal Primer, I unlock the secrets of situational awareness and show you how to stay ahead of challenges before they occur.
Physical Book & Ebook
Audio Book
Video Book
Luke Weinhagen
Luke Weinhagen is a Certified Situational Awareness Instructor, Personal Defense Readiness Instructor, former United States Marine, Founder of Core Human Competence LLC, and the creator of Dangerously Competent, a holistic self-defense and self-sufficiency training program.
For over fifteen years, Luke has taught individuals, families, and organizations to assess risk, respond swiftly, and win. He is the author of The Primal Primer and an Applied Theory Fellow at the Natural Law Institute.